Chicas En Panama City Beach News Herald Obituaries

La Mujeres Médicas .. su viaje por la Costa de Mosquitos, Costa Rica y Panamá. . Dodge SC: Cristopher Columbus and the first voyage to the New World. . En escribió “Commentum novum in Parabolas divi Arnaldio de Miami, FL. Eccles en el diario “Review and Herald” del primero de abril de canal de Panamá, llevaron a la Sociedad Americana de Ingenieros . indebted for a great many scientific advances in this new science mirada y su evidente energía lo hizo muy atractivo para las mujeres. Teacher and Innovator in Dam Design – Obituary – New York Times, Cuthbert, F. L. Su obra Borderlands/La frontera: The new mestiza representa el momento .. la prensa de Nueva York, el prefacio de su libro A Puerto Rican in New York and Other un grupo de los balseros detenidos en Guantánamo y Panamá hasta completar la . población de clase trabajadora), el género (son las mujeres y no los.

He was reallv love everyone and I cer- the same as it was. Recently, the disease spread to her lungs. I guess my condition Is still aid. If you've lost it or you've found it If you'd rent it or you'd sell Tell the people all about it P. Espineta, ApartadoPanama, R. Cristobal, was reported here Monday after- non when the Cristobal arrived from New York. Woiain was a naturalised American citizen, a native of Germany and was 58 years old. He was reported missing at He had been seen last at 8: While a thorough search of the Cristobal was being made, offi- cers computed the position where the Cristobal had been at 8: The Coast Guard was noti- fied by radio that Mr.

The weather and the visibility were good. The search was continued until three p. The only clue to the steward's disappearance was footprints on a veranda window frame near Mr. He had been despondent for some time, fellow members of the Cristobal's crew reported.

Wolsln Is sur- vived by his wife. Ann, of Du- mont. Rules unaer consideration, to be administered by the Coast Guard and Federal Maritime Ad- ministration, would apply not only to vessels known to have a history of deallni wi u ' na but to vessels of "common ownership," It was The far-reaching plan would work something hue unv ,.

Primary objective of the scheme appears to be vessels re- gistered In Panam, Honduras, Liberia and the like, manv of which are owned by American nationals or subsidiaries of American firms. June 26 UPiCarolyn Blgham. The year-old brunette has been re-leamlng her elementary school work at better than one grade a month since meningitis returned her to mental Infancy, but she cannot recall the name of her last boy friend. She still gets her tongue twisted over simple Someone asked. Shte laughed louder than her teasing friends.

And a doctor kept sticking my arm and I didn't minduntil he tried the other arm. Maybelle Smith, pronounced her grammar school re-education complete and planned to begin preparation next week for her to enter a business course at some college next fall. Wlalliam Ransom said Car- olyn's comeback has been "re- markable," but he said getting new stimulation through college work would help insure continued progress.

They stuck by her and didn't let her stagnate. He took her away and brought her back to us. The washers also clean- ed a muddy pair of shoes left la the vehicle. Orders detailing him to head the local draft board were read by Brigadier General L. Later General Renfrow swore in seven other local Se- lective Service officials: Munro, representing labor and E.

Baker, representing industry, on the Ap- peals Board; Judge E. Tatelman and Benjamin E. Phillips, for draft board No. Irwin, Vincent Biava, and Albert P. Tyre for draft board No. With General Renfrow were his staff of four officers, all of whom had arrived by air from the Uni- ted States. General Counsel and Lt. Manpower Division, rame from Washington. Barber from his headquarters In Dallas.

Gener- al Renfrow told the group. Registration of all United States male citizens, between the ages of 18 and 26, In the Canal Zone who are not registered else- where, will probably not take fdace until the latter part of Ju.

The registration depends on the Issu- ance of a Presidential proclama- tion, to be followed by a procla- mation by the Governor, setting the date and place of registra- tion.

Canal Zone men of draft age, not registered elsewhere, who wish to go to the Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries States before the local registration date may do so.

chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries

Their re- gistrations will then be transfer- red to the Canal Zone board, pro- vided registrants give their Ca- nal Zone chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries. On the other hand, men who have registered in the United States will not be required to re- register in the Canal Zone, but will be considered under the ju- risdiction of the Canal Zone Se- lective Service.

Hershey who has held that United States registrations chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries be transferred to the Canal Zone. General Renfrow suggest- ed to the local officials that thev review Individually the classifi- cation given by the registering brrd in all such cases.

B' Zone only American citizens tions on the local Selective Serv-will be registered. General Renfrow commented that American citizens living In the Republic of Panama will be registered If and when foreign registration Is established as It was during the last war. In this case, these non-resident Ameri- can citizens will register at the United States Embassy.

He discussed at length the question of postponement of mil- itary service for college students. The board, he said, may It is not mandatory consider for deferment college students who pass the college qualification tests with a grade of 70 per cent or over, or are in the upper 50 per cent of their Freshman, the upper W of their Sophomore or the upper 75 per cent of their Junior year of college".

General Renfrow pointed out that educational deferments are not exemptions and said that In all deferments prior to the age of 23 the registrants is liable for military service until he reaches the, age of On the matter of appeal.

Gen- eral Renfrow told the Canal Zone officials that a registrant may appeal his classification to the local appeal board. The board la made up of a representative of labor, industry, medicine, law and government service. If the local appeal board splits Its decision, the registrant may carrv his appeal to a three-man Presidential Appeal Board In Washington which is not under Selective Service but Is responsi- ble only to the President.

The de- cision of this board, he said. Any claims for deferment. General Renfrow told the local Selective Service men should be made in writing and registrants should be told to keep the local boards advised of any change In their marital, employment, phy- sical or geographical status. Oth- er questions were discussed dur- ing an afternoon meeting of the local officials. Chinese Red prisoners, in a huge crowd, jam an Internment camp in a rear area after being carted down from the Korean front.

These are part of False receipts will be exchanged for new ones without charge. All false receipts not changed will be cancelled and the tax will have'to be paid again. Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries will be prosecuted. Coln, June 23, Newcomer; Brigadier Oeneral L. Byrnes pledged yesterday chat bouui Carolina will "do everything possible" to see tnat Its Wegro citizens get equal educational opportunities under the frame- work of segregation.

Byrnes sala the state would aid the people of claredon county to comply with a federal court order which upheld the legality ot public schopi segrega- tion but ordered Negro schools equalized. Byrnes, commenting for the first time on Saturday s decision of the three-Judge tribunal, termed the majority decision "unanswerable.

Parser and George Bell Tlmmerman, Sr. Watles Waring, liberal minded social outcast from Charleston, llred a scathing dissent blasting the principle oi segregation. Byrnes chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries not reier to the Waring dissent in his statement issued at a press conference. But Byrnes said such aid Is now limited to planning and surveys ot needs while the state Supreme Court rules on the le- gality of a vast school improve- ment program.

The state bank- ed Its defense of segregation on the school program which is de- signed to equalize Negro schools. A friendly suit has been brought in the state bupreme uoun. Byrnes said the order of the court wnlcn directs Ciarenoon sciiooi oincials to make a pro- gress, report in six months may prove dnilcult.

State aid, Byrnes said, would nave to wait on tne state court decision. In Clarendon County as a whole. There were 6, Negro students enrolled last year com- pared to 2, white chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries, records in the school depart- ment showed.

Major Hutchln son's back- ground of antiaircraft experi- ence covers 10 years. His lessons were learned not only in the theory of classrooms and the test of "battle chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries but also In the final test war. Tbe transfer, which involved six employes in the unit, was made with a view to the future mechanization of payroll pro- cedures.

Three employes In the postal accounting unit will be trans- ferred this week from the Dis- trict Court Building in Ancon to Room of the Administra- tion Building, where this small unit will be consolidated with other receipts and collections units of the Finance Bureau. The world's supreme small car buy with the bio CM features. Torsion bar in- dependent front-wheel suspension rives a controllid ride over all road surfaces.

Chassis and body built as one unit for added strength. Engine develops 27 h. Easy to steer through trame. Let us demonstrate the capabilities of the amazing Morris Minor a car with outstanding performance and comfort for its size.

There Is still the problem of playing the hand to best ad- vantage. In the hand shown today. North's response of two clubs was the Stayman Convention, asking South to show a four-card major if possible. Since South did not have a four-card major, he had to show the size of his no-trump. South actually held a maxi- mum' no-trump. That Is, he held noticeably more than the mini- mum strength for an opening bid of one no-trump.

Hence South made a rebld of two no-trump' to show his maximum. He would have bid two diamonds Instead of two-no-trump ' if he had held a minimum no-trump.

North took a bit of a flyer when he jumped to six no- trump. He was gambling that the opponents could not Immediately cash two winners and that the long clubs would prove decisive. It was not an unreasonable con- tract since lt actually depended only on a successful heart fin- esse. West opened the eight of clubs, and declarer won in the dummy In order to lead a spade at once. He put up the king of spades from his hand, and West made the brilliant deceptive play of hold- ing off.

West played his low spade without any telltale hesitation. If West had taken the ace of spades, South would have been forced to try the heart finesse as his only chance to make the slam. When West played a low spade, however, South thought that the ace of spades was in the East hand. In that case it chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries be possible to return to dummy and get a second spade trick by lead- ing a low spade chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries the Pains in Back.

Wrong foods and drinks, worry, over- work, and frequent colds often put a strain on ihs Kldnsys, and Kidney anal Bladder troubles may causo Kxcess Acidity, Stronr.

Help your kidneys purify your blood with Cysttx. Cyetsx goes right to work helping your kidneys S ways: Combata game In the urinary Kstera. And thus you quickly get en the road to enjoying life again. Two spade tricks, one heart and nine tricks In the mi- nors would do very nicely. Hence South took the ace of clubs and led the jack of clubs to dummy in order to return a spade. East again played low na- turally enoughand South put up the queen.

This time West took his ace and continued spades, setting the contract two tricks. One word of warning: Don't let- West success persuade you to hold off your aces as a general rule. It usually pays to take your ace when a king Is offered tag you. But as a rare strategy hold-7, lng off with an ace may be really devastating. M Bathroom Cabinets with Mir- ror The ladies -will please transfer their 19th hole squab- bling, to some other location.

The special fare of the smoker will be movies. Regular professional coif movies will be supplied by Pete Arango of P. The film for the local movies was supplied by the club and it was "soft-shoe" Stan Brown who sneaked up ,and did the photography whan nobody was looking.

And they say the form of some of the lads is worth a round for the house. Professor Suarez will provide some tidbits to go with the refreshment. The show starts at 7 p. Strlckler, shooting a 94 with a 24 handicap, succeeded in outlasting Pearl in a battle which he won 1-up.

Pearl explained her defeat by aylng that Jasper used psychol- Rlley by default. Ogy, dragging out a beat-up old Pres Trim Jr. All three matches were upset wins for the male op- pononts. Results of the consolation flight 1 are as follows: Ruth Presley defeated Harriet Hochstedler 8 and 6.

Al Saarlnen defeated Howard Tettenburn 2 and 1. Pescod defeated Dick Col- ston 6 and 5. Huff defeated Evelyn Judson 5 and 4.

Phil Whitney defeated John Towery by default. Wilma Layers defeated Dick Bernett 1-up on the 19th hole. Bart Elich defeated Louise Reynolds 1-up.

Johnny Hardyman defeated Ed wr-ist chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries at all the opportune moments where an excellent shot on Pearl's part might change the battle. This would make Pearl sympa- thetic, get her mind off the golf match, and even put thoughts in her mind about how nice it would be for Jasper to be wearing a nice new Juvenia watch instead of his antique timepiece, and soPearl wound up one hole short.

Another favorite went down In defeat when Capt. Nellie took the first three. Jim DesLon- found about the 14th hole, and aes, Contestants are urged to sched- ule their matches if possible be- fore Sunday. If matches are not arranged previously, 9: Sunday will be the scheduled starting time of those matches. Buddy Hammond defeated Johnny Mac Murray 1-up in a match that thrilled not only the followers, but the large crowd at the clubhouse that witnessed the play of the last two holes In the Pan-American Airwavs Invita- tional Tournament being held at Gamboa.

Hammond shot a 72 with 18 pars, which in itself is a record. Johnny shot 73 with two birdies. Both men played careful golf, each showing great respect for the others ability. Hammond's drives were down the middlehe was on the greens for his two putts for par, which under aver- age conditions is good enough golf to win most matches. This w the planned strategy of all match playbut a strategy which few golfers actually accomplish.

Johnny's driving was sllghlv off line and it caused him to bo- gey Nos. The bir- die on 17 was a pip from the top or the green and came at a time when Johnny was 2 down with 2 to go.

St, Louis at Cleveland N. Detroit at Chicago N. New York at Washington N. Brooklyn at New York N. Pittsburgh at Cincinnati N. Nellie hot a very nice 96 with her 27 handicap as Gene carded for a Dick Thompson put together a 72 with a 6 handicap to defeat Harry Willenbrock 4 and 3.

Har- ry shot an 86 for the second week in a row with a 17 handicap. Handicap chairman please note these scores, i Bill LeBrun established him- self as the favorite t win the tournament by defeating Jack Smith 5 and 4. Bill was even par when the match ended and he carried a 10 handicap i. Paul Moran defeated Gertrude Sfiiedley 1-up in- a close match.

Gertrude took an early lead which Paul was able to whittle dtjwn and nose home a winner. Maury is once again playing his steady fame after a chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries of pneumonia in Gorgas. Trim trimmed John Davy 3 chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries 2 and furthered the cause of the Trim clan with his surnrise win, while Pres Sr. Beto Scantlebury tackles Car- los Watson in one of two six- round semifinals at a pound weight limit.

The other secondary attraction brings together Vicente Worrell and James Milton at pounds. His drive was long but hooked Into the short rough behind the palm trees- Hammond was Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries the middle, but rolled to the right hand limit of the fairway. Johnny studied the lay of his balltook his wedge and hit hard.

The ball carried over the palm trees beautifully, but was a Tittle long and came to rest on the greenside slope of the bacjc blink- s-Hammond's second was a skillful shotpin high about 10 feet to the left of the cup. John- ny had no choicehe must play for the win. His shot overran and when Hammond putted to with- in inches of the cup Johnny con- ceded the match.

Here are the scorings hole bv hole: Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries players had diffi- culties but Chandeck's short ap- proaches caused him serious trouble and resulted in his loss. Al Corsale shot another 72 to defeat Norm Lewter 4 and 3. Cor- sale's game was extremely accu- rate and his approach putts In many Instances rimmed the cup. Norm's game was not up to his usual skillful playhe was short on many of his approaches which caused him to 3-putt.

If Al conti- nues to play the brand of golf exhibited in his last three match- es, he will be battling in the fin- als.

Galindo's decisive defeat of "Doc" Gerrans 7 and 6 was not expected. It was believed this match would be close and go the limit for decision. Galindo's abil- ity has been emphasized before and it is repeated here now, that Table Tennis Fourth Round Elimination Slated Tonight he is definitely a comer. But not when you make a daily habit of the fa- mous Vitalii "Second Workout.

Then 10 aaconda to comb and you PER the difference In your hair - far handaomer. Get a bottle of Vitalii todaj. In the First Flight: Starrett defaulted to Spain; Hochstedler won from Smith In a hard fought match. Gene's accurate ap- proaches and putts could not be denied; Richmond chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries Muller chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries and 5; George Rlley shot a 72 at Ray Murray to win 6 and 5.

Galindo eas- ed by Ray Euper 1-up: Bubb outlasted Freddy Hunsicker to win 1-up. Bob Medinger came back strong from belna 4 down to Durham and evened the match on the lflth, only to lose on the 18th; Wright defeated Held- endlch 4 and 3; P. Rlley won from Crabb 4 and 3. Worley was hard pressed by Robinson before he squeezed out a 1-up victory. Gil Morland eli- minated Ed Stroop 4 and 3: Engelke got by Slaughter 2 and 1. The pairings in the semi-finals are: Bo- ran; Berry vs. Game time will be 8 o'clock.

Arthur Joseph, current section- al champion and former Jamai- ca titleholder, and Carlos Wong who staged a surprising upset last Saturday by defeating the clever stylist Stanley Hall, will furnish the evening's feature event. Both Joseph ana Wong have survived three rounds without a loss.

L, Morrow, with-J two wins and one defeat, meets Ana Teresa Rios who won one of her matches and was awarded the other on forfeit from George Ma. Stan- ley Hall s. Ramn Ram- rez, Sgl. George Maduro and Julius David vs. James Webster complete the-rest of the schedule. Barclay Bynoe left no doubt as to his supremacy in the La Boca section as he breezed through the quarter finals last Friday night at the La Boca Lat-teen Club.

John Hall, perennial ping pong championship contender of the Atlantic side, won the Colon sec- tion elimination last Friday night at the Club Tropical. In coming put best in a disappointing small three-man field. Hall ran Into AngJin and was forced into five sets before he could subdue An- glln. The score was, Over 50 en- thusiastic fans watched the closely fought match. In the other'event, Anglln eli- minated Rodolfo Wisdom in five sets. Hall then vanquished Wis- dom in three straight.

Hill finishing as runner up. John Hughes, another "Y" entry, was eliminated. The winners and runners-up of the Colon, Cristobal "Y" and La Boca sections will meet in the se- mifinals to be held soon at the Pacific Clubhouse.

Meanwhile, a tournament com- mittee spokesman announced yesterday that another section elimination was under way at Ft Gulick. Coleman I in eharge of activities. Ten players were known to be entered and an ad- ditional enrollment expected by the end of this month Jr. Plises for first, second and third will be distributed. Addi- tional spot prises and a prise for last place will also be given.

AU youngsters are urged to play regardless of the game they shoot. Pictures of the players will be taken.

The Berlin Boxing Commission ruled the fight should be listed as "no decision. The first game of the evening will get under wav at 7: The Globetrotters will play the accompanying All-Stars In the second and feature contest. A capacity crowd turned out and enjoyed the vari- ety program offered. Tony Lavelll captain of the All-Stars, treated the fans to three well-rendered numbers on his accordion.

Also an expert Juggler and baton wielder displayed his skill in an act which was also greatly en- Joyed by the fans. But as the second half got under way, Navy opened up with their big guns to move into a substantial lead. In the fourth period thev kept pouring in the baskets. S 71 Davis 20th M. Pj 6 68 An all-time record crowd for an exhibition contest of The game was played for the benefit of the city's amateur baseball players. The Yankees thereby maintained their "cham- pionship14 of New York City, al- though a bit If bizarre base-run- ning by Gene Woodling almost cost them the title.

Brown right fielder Otis John- son was fatally injured recently by a pitched ball thrown by Clif- ton. Dot- han owner Charles O. Smith said his team would withdraw if Headland put Clifton in the line- up as a pltdher. Smith announced the with- drawal at the Dothan ball park shortly before a game with Head- land was scheduled to start. Fans applauded the decision then filed by ticket windows to collect ad- mission refunds. Johnson died June 15, a little more than a week after his skull was fractured by Clifton" pitch- ed ball.

The Browns forfeited a game with Headland on June 13, the day after Johnson's funeral, because Clifton was in the line- up as a pitcher. Nevertheless, when an automobile driver runs over a child and kills It, he loses his license for a while. Instead, he was credited with a single.

Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries Thomson's eighth in- ning single gave the Giants a victory over the Red Box at Bos- ton in another exhibition contest while Vern Law of the Piratea pitched his club to a con- quest over the Indians at Pitts- burgh. Dick Savitt of the U. Herbie Flam of the U. New- comer, and Mrs. Newcomer, will entertain at a reception from 6 to 8 this evening at the Governor's Residence in honor of Senator Olin D.

Johnston, of South Carolina, and Mrs. John- ston, who are Isthmian visitors this week. John- ston of South Carolina and Mrs. With Senator and Mrs. Chair- man of the Hospitality Commit- tee, was In charge of arrange- ments for the tea. Grant Returned Yesterday Dr. Grant of Diablo Heights returned yes- terday aboard the S.

Cristobal from a vacation of three months spent In New York, Washington. Lom- bard, Introduced the honor guest.

Who addressed the gathering. Among those alternating In presiding at the tea and coffee services were Mrs. Emilio Ortiz de Zevallos. Mrs' Al- bert M. Miss Bowen will leave by plane from New York for Pa- ris to spend the summer with friends in France and Switzer- land. Hostesses for the luncheon will be Mrs. Dick- ens of Fort Clayton and Mrs. Bridge and canasta will be played before the meeting, beginning at 10 a.

Browder Entertain for Son In honor of their son. Edward, on his eighteenth birthday. Guests for the occasion were the Misses Sheila Fearon.

Joanna March, Sue Shutt. Pat Peacher and Ann Russell. Also the Messrs Irwln Frank. Sid Shore, Dave Shore. Rich- ard Abbott and Duke Peacher. Youngs Return from Miami Mr.

Walter Young of the Headquarters. Fifteenth Naval District, returned by plane from Miami on Sunday evening. They wer,e accompanied by their chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries and daughter-in-law.

Young had gone to Mi- ami to be present at the gradua- tion exercises at the University of Miami from which their son ecelved his degree. A- qullino Boyd and Mrs. Fernando Eleta at Mrs. Miss Healy's marriage to Mr.

Ro- berto Ramon Alemn will take place here next month. Stempels Entertain for Miss Rowlands Mr. Stem- pel entertained a group of friends for a buffet supper on Sa- turday -at their home in Las Cumbres to celebrate the engage- ment of their cousin.

Miss Emita Rowlands, to Mr. Rlddiek Guests at El Panama Mr. Rld- dlck's parents, Mr. Rlddlck was asso- ciated here with the British- American Tobacco Co. Johnston Leaves for Maine Visit Mrs. Johnston of Balboa, left by airplane last evening en route to Main, where she was called suddenly by the death of her mother.

The Civil Aeronautics Adminis- tration, In collaboration with the Department of State, offers to Panamanian citizens specialized training in air traffic control, airport management, aeronautic- al communications and other aviation specialties.

Since a total of 22 Pana- manians have received aviation scholarships with CAA. Of this number, 12 are aviation mech- anics, four air traffic control operators, two airport managers, and four aviation Industry spe- cialists. Eight scholarships are currently being awarded. Fifteen CAA program gradua- tes now hold responsible posi- tions in local aviation and are contributing to the safety and advancement of aviation in Pan- am.

Earp, who is an experienced commercial pilot and private plane owner, has administered CAA training programs since UP Flow- er lovers have a rosy welcome from James Lyne. V Put some P08TUM In a cup 4 add not water or milkand you'll nave a daiicious bv arage, fro of stimulants, which will halp you to an joy a reatful. C, opened debate on the measure with a sharp attack on the Administration. Maybank, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee which drafted the bill, said President Truman "apparently" delayed in imposing price curbs last fall In hopes "prices would rise so that increased taxes could be collected from larger Incomes.

The Sen- ate measure provides for an eight-month extension. Members of both chambers were frankly doubtful, however, that Congress will be able to whip through a bill before the present law expires Saturday night. They believed It will be necessary to ex- tend the present law while a new act Is being written. The Senate Agriculture Com- mittee, meantime, informally a- greed to oppose any effort to write President Truman's request for a one-year "freeae" on farm parity into the Senate bill.

Douglas strongly criticized a provision of the measure which would forbid prices to be rolled back below levels prevailing In the period January February.

The present "base" period L May and June of last year when prices geenrally were low- er. Price Stabilizer Michael V. Douglas urged Senators from cattle producing states not to become a "cat's paw" for "mono- polistic Interests" which, he claimed, profiteered by raising prices after the start of the Ko- rean war last June and Just be- fore the general price freeze In January.

Maybank retorted that the a- mendment is not aimed at beef. Using the blast from the plane ahead, the rear Jet gets the necessary start- ing rotation to get underway. The method, tried successfully In Korea, Is suitable for emergency starting at advanced bases where external power units normally used for Jet starting, because of the large amount of power required are not available.

Jones above of Ar- thur Andersen and Co. The Arthur Andersen firm of certified public accountants has been retained by the Canal or- ganization on a contract basis for surveys preliminary to the estab- lishment of the new Panama Ca- nal Company July 1.

The studies have been made here by George Hill, Jr. James Lamb and Maurice Hoffman who have been on the Isthmus about three months. Other representa- tives of the firm have been here during the course of the studies. Jones was here when the studies were started and attend- ed the preliminary meetings of the special committee of the Board of Directors of the Pana- ma Railroad Company which were held here In February.

Jones and C D. June 26 UP Oilchrlst Baker stock- ton, retired career diplomat and world-known figure, tried to Jump from a 13th-floor window today but was pulled to safety In a Ufe and death struggle a story below. Notter, manager of an Insurance company on the, 12th floor, and Elmer Franke, one of his underwriters, hauled In Stockton after he had slipped from the grasp of his wife at the 13th-story ledge. Then he let go of chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries window and fell backward.

Some others ran up and grabbed his arm and we pulled him ki. For aoay't tkln, nothing soothe and protects like Johnton'i Baby Powder.

Use it after baths, at diaper change. Apuntes acerca de nociones ambiguas y aplicadas a Villa El Salvador. Asumiendo la hipótesis del rol positivo del sentimiento de pertenencia para la realización de acciones colectivas, el artículo se propone enfocar las afirmaciones referidas a la identidad, consideradas aquí como un factor que lo determina.

El ejemplo que sirve para la demostración proviene de una investigación sobre Villa El Salvadorbarriada periférica de Lima citada muy a menudo como referencia en cuanto a gestión municipal, asociaciones de vecinos, lucha contra la pobreza y el terrorismo.

Posteriormente, se intenta demostrar lo que una estrategia de. Modelo para la estimación de costeo de procesos de producción de las microempresas textiles de la Zona Oriental de El Salvador.

Históricamente, la computación en la chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries comenzó cuando empezaron a correr tareas en una red de computadores, en lugar de dejar que solo un gran computador hiciera todo el trabajo.

De esta manera, la tarea se reparte entre varios, exigiendo menos del sistema para entregar un servicio a los usuarios. Periodismo en El Salvador.

Los medios de comunicación en El Salvadorcuando producen la noticia y la distribuyen, utilizan información de fuentes documentales -escritas, audiovisuales o de internet- suelen no citar las fuentes que han utilizado Sin duda, este mal no es exclusivo de los medios locales, se expresa internacionalmente.

Por esto, en e El nuevo espacio rural en El Salvador. Estas decisiones políticas en materia educativa han tenido como objetivo la protección, promoción y realización progresiva del cit Los montes de San Salvador de Oña Burgos.

Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este artículo es tratar de analizar la representación social del paisaje forestal perteneciente al señorío del monasterio de San Salvador de Oña Burgos, durante los siglos XIV-XVI, a partir de las descripciones que se realizan del mismo en la documentación judicial relacionada con pleitos, pesquisas, etc.

Steam sources in El Salvador and their economic importance. These sources are tabulated and are described in the text. They appear as fumaroles, solfatarae, mudpots, mud fields, and hot springs. A series of calorimetric measurements was made in For electrical power production, development will probably be restricted to those fields located chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries the young volcanic areas, as these areas correspond to those of greatest population density. As ofthe use of these resources was limited to the production of sulfur chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries kaolinite from a few small-scale boreholes.

La prensa en El Salvador: Full Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries Available El periodismo salvadore ño en el año estuvo marcado por la presión política, empresarial y las agresiones a la prensa de parte de distintos actores. Las encuestan todavía registran a los medios de comunicación, después de la Iglesia Católica, como uno de los sectores con mayor credibilidad en el país.

Analysis of the radiation accident in El Salvador. On 5 February at 2 a. In this accident, three workers were involved in the first event and a further four in the second. When the accident took place, the activity level was approximately 0. The source became blocked when being lowered to its safe position, where upon the technician responsible for the irradiator entered the chamber in breach of the few inadequate safety procedures, accompanied by two colleagues from an adjacent department; the three workers suffered acute radiation exposure, with the result that one of them died six-and-a-half months later, the second had both his legs amputated at mid-thigh, while the third recovered completely.

This article describes the irradiator, outlines the causes of the accident and analyses the economic and social repercussions, with the aim of helping teams responsible for radiation protection and safety in industrial irradiation facilities to identify potentially hazardous circumstances and avoid accidents.

Seismic sources in El Salvador. A geological and geodetic contribution. El Salvador Fault Zone is a deformation band of km long and 20 km wide within the Salvadorian volcanic arc.

The ESFZ deforms and offsets quaternary deposits with a right lateral movement in its main segments. Five segments have been proposed for the whole fault zone, from the Jalpatagua Fault to the Golfo de Fonseca. Paleoseismic studies in the Berlin and San Vicente Segments reveal an important amount of quaternary deformation.

In fact, the San Vicente Segment was the source of the February 13, destructive earthquake. In this work we propose 18 capable seismic sources within El Salvador. The slip rate of each source has been obtained through out the combination of GPS data and paleoseismic data when it has been possible. We also have calculated maximum theoretical intensities produced by the maximum earthquakes related with each fault.

We have taken into account several scenarios considering different possible surface rupture lengths up to 50 km and Mw 7. Richness and diversity patterns of birds in urban green areas in the center of San SalvadorEl Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries. Full Text Available Increasing urbanization has led to natural ecosystems being constantly replaced by an urban landscape, a process that is very noticeable in El Salvadordue to its small territorial extension We evaluated if the richness, diversity and equitability of birds were related to the size and distance of the green areas and if their shape had any effect on the richness of birds.

We observed a total of 20 bird species and we classified them according to their diet generalist and specialist. We observed that the distance did not influence the bird richness and that there was no interaction between size and distance variables, but the size of the green area did influence.

The richness of birds with specialist diet increased in the more circular green areas than in the irregular ones. Se incluyeron en el estudio un total de 1 nacidos vivos, dados a luz en cuatro maternidades de SalvadorBahia, entre julio de y febrero de Las fuentes de información fueron las historias clínicas y las entrevistas con las madres en la maternidad.

En el modelo final los factores de riesgo incluidos fueron los siguientes: Se presentan los valores del riesgo atribuible poblacional para los factores de riesgo incluidos en el modelo final. Esos factores deben emplearse para detectar a las gestantes con alto riesgo de dar a luz un niño de bajo peso, a las que debe brindarse mayor atención prenatal.

Uso de drogas en estudiantes de una universidad de El Salvador y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez. Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue examinar la relación entre el uso y abuso de drogas y maltrato durante la niñez en estudiantes de una universidad de la ciudad de San SalvadorEl Salvador.

chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries

La investigación fue exploratoria, con un diseño transversal, siendo la muestra de estudiantes. Adicionalmente existe una relación directa y significativa Commissioning and clinical implementation of HDR brachytherapy in El Salvador. The Gynecologic Cancer is one of the best known malignancies in different countries of the world, with a high incidence in developing countries. In the treatment of this disease have been used multiple treatment arms among which is the high rate brachytherapy HDR.

The process of commissioning and implementing clinical service Brachytherapy High Dose Rate HDR BT is a relatively complex process that begins with the formation of functional and technical service, based on flow patients to be treated, availability of local technological capability to install, and culminates with the preparation and implementation of protocols.

Experts involved in the implementation of this service divided this task in stages organized chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries Study of existing infrastructure and level of training of technical personnel available, 2nd. Proposal and application of amendments in order to adapt the facility to the planned patient flow and optimal use of technological infrastructure, 3rd. Establishment of the process of securing the disposable waste materials and not required, 4th.

Performance of tests of physical commissioning clinical dosimetry and instrumentation unit, surgical and therapeutic, 5th. Training of technical personnel, 6th. Preparation of clinical protocol and 7th. Initiation and development of treatment for patients. All these steps are carried out with the integration and consensus of the entire multidisciplinary team that makes up the service and with the support of the administration as a prerequisite.

Within two weeks the service was modified according to. Full Text Available A spatial price equilibrium model of the international cotton sector was used to analyze the impacts of the Port of Salvador improvements on the Brazilian cotton industry and world cotton trade. The port of Salvador is undergoing relevant improvements in its facilities and physical structure. As a result of these improvements, the port of Salvador is expected to become more competitive and attract ocean shipping companies which are willing to export products directly to Asian importing markets.

Scenarios with different reduction in export cost for the port of Salvador were examined. For all scenarios, the new direct ocean shipping lines were found to be important for the cotton exporters in Brazil, especially for the producers in the state of Bahia. In addition, results suggested that the state of Bahia would have the potential of becoming the largest cotton exporting state in Brazil.

Colombia and El Salvadortwo Latin American countries, have developed similar counterinsurgency processes and started similar processes of peace negotiations between the insurgent armies and the forces of order This thesis studies police reform in El Salvador and South Africa.

While both countries differ considerably in geographic size culture location population and economic and military strength they share common security concerns Cultivating men's interest in family planning in rural El Salvador.

A pilot project in rural El Salvador tested the integration of family planning into a water and sanitation program as a strategy for increasing male involvement in family planning decison making and use.

The organizations involved posited that integrating family planning into a resource management and community development project would facilitate male involvement by diffusing information, by referring men and women to services, and by expanding method choice to include the new Standard Days Method through networks established around issues men cared about and were already chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries in.

This article examines data from a community-based household survey to assess the impact of the intervention and finds significant changes in contraceptive knowledge, attitudes, and behavior from baseline to endline. Because the differences between baseline and endline are greater than the differences between participants and nonparticipants at endline, the study demonstrates the power of informal networks for spreading information.

Children's knowledge of sexual abuse prevention in El Salvador. Child sexual abuse CSA remains a global health problem that must be addressed. In a country with limited resources such as El Salvadorwe sought an alternative way to disseminate CSA prevention information to elementary school children.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a child sexual abuse CSA prevention exhibit at a children's museum.

We asked children to answer a questionnaire about CSA prevention before entering a museum exhibit on the subject and then asked 59 different children to answer the questionnaire after visiting the exhibit. Published by Elsevier Inc. Positive emotions in earthquake survivors in El Salvador The purpose of this study was to analyze, within a more extensive intervention program, the existence of positive emotions and positive coping in the refugees at the chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries largest shelters created after the earthquakes of El Salvador in January, One hundred and fifteen survivors were interviewed in the shelters about different aspects related to positive cognitions and emotions experienced during their sojourn at the camps, as well as their perception of aspects of posttraumatic growth.

The results show that most of the people affected by the earthquake revealed a consistent pattern of positive reactions and emotions. The potential implications of these results in the individual sphere, as buffering elements to protect people from the effects of a traumatic experience receive comment.

Medical readiness education and training exercises are short-term exercises designed to provide health care and preventive medicine education to underserved civilian populations overseas.

These high profile missions provide superb training opportunities, build democracies, and can be a powerful incentive to retain soldiers in the Reserves. Despite this, the literature offers little guidance in terms of how to best conduct a MEDRETE, particularly with a unit that has not been recently deployed. Army Reserve unit was deployed to El Salvador following two devastating earthquakes and treated 20, patients in 10 days. This patient volume was achieved by a close cooperative effort among an experienced Mission Coordinator and Reservists and superb host nation support.

Lessons learned regarding predeployment, deployment, patient management, and safety issues are presented to assist future units in conducting successful medical readiness education and training exercises. Microbiology and mortality of pediatric febrile neutropenia in El Salvador.

Febrile neutropenia FN and infection-related mortality are major problems for children with cancer in low-income countries. Identifying predictors for adverse outcome of FN in low-income countries permits targeted interventions. We describe the nature and predictors of microbiologically documented infection MDI and mortality of FN in children with cancer in El Salvador. We examined Salvadoran pediatric oncology patients admitted with FN over a 1-year period. Data were collected prospectively.

Demographic, treatment, and admission-related variables were examined as predictors of outcomes. Hundred six FN episodes among 85 patients were included. Gram-positive and gram-negative organisms were isolated in 14 of 23 and 11 of 23 specimens; polymicrobial infections were common 11 of 23 episodes of MDI. In El Salvadorpolymicrobial infections were common. Pneumonia at admission identified children with FN at high risk of death; these children may benefit from targeted interventions.

La poètica de Carles Salvador i la generació de Full Text Available Meseguer situates Carles Salvador within the literary trends of his contemporaries. He deals with Salvador 's implicit and explicit ideological influences, focusing on the poetics of various texts: El jazz, el maquinisme i la poesia puraColps d'escut i de sagetaSignificado de Avantguardisme, his declaration in La poesia valenciana enand his unpublished paper El meu concepte de la poesia. La droga, el contexto y el Estado.

Full Text Available Se estudia a los jóvenes de estratos medios y altos y su consumo recreativo de drogas influido por factores de tipo estructural y cultural, abordando cuatro zonas de concentración de bares y chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries en tres municipios importantes de El Salvador. El énfasis se hace en la generación del contexto para suplir la demanda del consumo de dicha población y las consecuencias que esto le chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries a la sociedad.

Se concluye con un llamado al Estado a que regule los espacios de interés social. Utilizing the results of our study and of other research, efforts to expand early intervention, counseling and testing, and targeted prevention activities should be strengthened.

Estudio retrospectivo de pacientes infectados con el VIH atendidos en el Hospital Rosales -una institución hospitalaria docente de San SalvadorEl Salvador - entre y La edad promedio en el momento del diagnóstico de la infección por el VIH fue de 34 años.

Knowledge and attitudes about intrauterine devices among women's health care providers in El Salvador Conocimientos y actitudes de los prestadores de atención de salud de la mujer en El Salvador acerca de los dispositivos intrauterinos. Full Text Available In order to gain an understanding of Salvadoran health care providers' clinical knowledge, attitudes, and practice toward the intrauterine device IUD, Ministry of Health providers completed a self-administered, anonymous survey.

Surveys were completed by participants. The majority of providers Lack of formal training and knowledge about persistent infection rates associated with IUDs may contribute to low IUD placement by Salvadoran providers. Health care providers surveyed are open to learning more about the IUD and sharing the information with their patients. Se recibieron respuestas.

La escasa frecuencia con que los prestadores salvadore ños colocan el DIU probablemente sea atribuible, en cierta medida, a la falta de capacitación formal y de conocimiento acerca de los índices de infección persistente asociados a los DIU. Los prestadores de servicios de salud encuestados refirieron estar dispuestos a instruirse m. Evaluación de la sostenibilidad de fincas de café administradas por Tropical El Salvadordurante el período - Evaluación de la sostenibilidad de fincas de café administradas por Tropical El Salvadordurante el periodo - Universidad de El Salvador.

San SalvadorSV. Cuando el subsector café en El Salvador afrontaba una de sus peores crísis de la historia, generada por el desequilibrio estructural entre la oferta y la demanda mundial, Tropical Farm Management El Salvador S. Sistemas de salud mental en El SalvadorGuatemala y Nicaragua: Full Text Available Los autores realizaron una evaluación de los sistemas de salud mental en El SalvadorGuatemala y Nicaragua, por medio de un grupo de indicadores seleccionados.

Nicaragua, Guatemala y El Salvador tienen serias limitaciones en sus sistemas nacionales de salud mental, en especial en la atención primaria, así como una marcada insuficiencia de recursos humanos calificados. Los limitados recursos materiales y humanos existentes se concentran en las respectivas capitales de los países.

No se han formulado políticas ni legislaciones nacionales de salud mental. Sin embargo, las tres naciones cuentan con planes nacionales en ejecución.

Asimismo, se ha avanzado en el diseño e implementación de programas de protección de la salud mental en situaciones de desastre. Es necesario establecer acuerdos con las procuradurías de los derechos humanos para incrementar la vigilancia y protección de los derechos humanos en las personas afectadas por enfermedades mentales.

También se identificaron prioridades y se plantean recomendaciones para la acción. The authors evaluated the mental health systems of El SalvadorGuatemala, and Nicaragua, using a group of select indicators. Tsunami hazard and risk assessment in El Salvador. Tsunamis are relatively infrequent phenomena representing a greater threat than earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes, causing the loss of thousands of human lives and extensive damage to coastal infrastructure around the world.

Several works have attempted to study these phenomena in order to understand their origin, causes, evolution, consequences, and magnitude of their damages, to finally propose mechanisms to protect coastal societies. Advances in the understanding and prediction of tsunami impacts allow the development of adaptation and mitigation strategies to reduce risk on coastal areas.

This work -Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment in El Salvador - funded by AECID during the periodexamines the state of the art and presents a comprehensive methodology for assessing the risk of tsunamis at any coastal area worldwide and applying it to the coast of El Salvador.

The conceptual framework is based on the definition of Risk as the probability of harmful consequences or expected losses resulting from a given hazard to a given element at danger or peril, over a specified time period European Commission, Schneiderbauer et al.

The HAZARD assessment Phase I of the project is based on propagation models for earthquake-generated tsunamis, developed through the characterization of tsunamigenic sources -sismotectonic faults- and other dynamics under study -tsunami waves, sea level, etc.

The study area is located in a high seismic activity area and has been hit by 11 tsunamis between andnine of them recorded in the twentieth century and all generated by earthquakes. Simulations of historical and potential tsunamis with greater or lesser affection to the country's coast have been performed, including distant sources, intermediate and close.

Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries analyses of the threats under study -coastal flooding- have been carried out, resulting in different hazard maps maximum wave height elevation, maximum water depth, minimum tsunami. Geological control of earthquake induced landslide in El Salvador. Geological control of earthquake induced landslides in El Salvador.

The most common landslides were shallow disrupted soil-slides on steep slopes and were particularly dense in the central part of the country. The earthquakes also triggered numerous deep large scale landslides responsible for the enormous devastation of villages and towns and are the source for the current high seismic hazard as well.

Many of these landslides are located at distances more than 50 and km from the focal distance, although some of them occurred at near field. Until now there has been little effort to explain the causes and concentration of the deep large-scale landslides especially their distribution, failure mechanism and post-rapture behavior of the landslide mass long run-out.

The result of the study showed that most of the large-scale landslides occured as coherent block slides with the sliding surface parallel to a pre-existing fractures and fault planes La Leona, Barriolera, El Desague, Jiboa landslides.

Besides that the pre-existing fractures are weak zones controlling. A spatio-temporal analysis of suicide in El Salvador. Ininternational statistics showed El Salvador 's suicide rate as 40th in the world and the highest in Latin America.

Though completed suicide is an important social and health issue, little is known about its prevalence, incidence, etiology and spatio-temporal behavior. The primary objective of this study was to examine completed suicide and homicide using the stream analogy to lethal violence within a spatio-temporal framework.

A Bayesian model was applied to examine the spatio-temporal evolution of the tendency of completed suicide over homicide in Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries Salvador. The data reveal a stable standardized rate of total lethal violence completed suicide plus chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries across municipalities over time; a decline in suicide; and a standardized suicide rate decreasing with chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries inequality but increasing with social isolation.

Municipalities clustered in terms of both total lethal violence and suicide chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries rates. Spatial effects for suicide were stronger among municipalities located in the north-east and center-south sides of the country. New clusters of municipalities with large suicide standardized rates were detected in the north-west, south-west and center-south regions, all of which are part of time-stable clusters of homicide.

Prevention efforts to reduce income inequality and mitigate the negative effects of weak relational systems should focus upon municipalities forming time-persistent clusters with a large rate of death by suicide. Houve predomínio de homens, jovens no 1.

O grau de dependência foi baixo para a maioria dos jovens. O estudo oferece pistas para enfermeiras atuarem junto aos jovens no controle do tabagismo.

Respondieron un cuestionario estudiantes de Salvadorde los cuales 11 eran tabaquistas. La edad media de los fumadores fue 18,2 años y de experimentación del cigarro 13,4 años. Hubo predominio de hombres, jóvenes en el 1. La mayoría recibió orientación familiar y escolar sobre los perjuicios del humo de cigarro, pero pocos sabían de los beneficios de parar de fumar. El grado de dependencia fue bajo para la mayoría de los jóvenes.

Full Text Available Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries Controllership has been the subject of studies and analyzes and reflections of prominentresearchers of the sciences that focus on the field management of organizations such as theAdministration and Accounting.

It is important to note the contribution of chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries Controllershipof public governance, the foundation of a democratic and participative management. In this context, it fits the purpose of this study, reflect on public performance of the comptroller of the city of Salvadornoting the contribution that effective governance in the municipality.

The results show the importance of the Comptroller and denote the impression that the institution studied, this area is not performing their role well. Hemoglobinopathies in newborns from SalvadorBahia, Northeast Brazil. Full Text Available Hemoglobinopathies are hereditary disorders of the hemoglobin molecule with a high prevalence worldwide. Brazil has a prevalence of 0. In the present study, we investigated the presence of variant hemoglobins and alpha2 3.

Samples of umbilical cord blood from a total of newborns were analyzed, of which 57 9. One hundred fourteen Frequencies found in the present study confirm that hemoglobinopathies are a public health problem in Brazil, emphasizing the need for neonatal screening and genetic counseling programs. The success of international initiatives for the eradication of measles depends in large part on knowledge about vaccination. Ina cross-sectional study was carried out to evaluate knowledge about measles vaccine among pediatricians in the Brazilian city of SalvadorBahia.

The average number of correct responses was 9. Conditions commonly seen in pediatric practice in Brazil--malnutrition, upper respiratory tract infection, diarrhea, and prematurity--were often erroneously considered contraindications for immunization. Knowledge about the vaccine did not differ according to the length of time that had elapsed since the physicians' university training in pediatrics or as a result of working in health centers operated by the State Health Secretariat.

University professors, pediatricians with a postgraduate degree, and those pursuing postgraduate studies scored slightly higher than the rest. These results point to the need to strengthen training on measles vaccination in medical schools and programs of continuing education for pediatricians.

Full Text Available This article analyzes the relationship between police and the community. In El Salvadorthe role traditionally played by police has been that of the repressor of crime, with no concern for community outreach. However, over the last two years, the law enforcement agency has had an about face in terms of its attention to the problem of violence and crime.

As a result, it has introduced the community police philosophy. That is, a law enforcement agency that empowers active participation in the community in identifying and preventing problems that affect it, meaning that community participation is promoted in terms of tasks tied to citizen security. Currently, what is under consideration is the degree to which there is a process of strengthening the bonds of solidarity, constructive relationships between neighbors, and the existence of social capital that contributes to cooperation between law enforcement and community in preventing violence and crime.

Evidently the results of this new form of taking on public security will not be obtained immediately. It requires both the agents and commanders to be convinced that this philosophy can yield good results in crime prevention.

However, the community must also become an active player in co-producing security. Litogeoquímica dos granulitos ortoderivados da cidade de SalvadorBahia. Estudos realizados por Barbosa et al On 27 August Following the event, local and international tsunami teams surveyed the tsunami effects in El Salvador and northern Nicaragua. Less severe inundation was reported in northern Nicaragua. In the far-field, the tsunami was recorded by a DART buoy and tide gauges in several locations of the eastern Pacific Ocean but did not cause any damage.

The field measurements and recordings are compared to numerical modeling results using initial conditions of tsunami generation based on finite-fault earthquake and tsunami inversions and a uniform slip model. Prevalencia de trastornos funcionales gastrointestinales en niños en edad escolar en El Salvador. La epidemiología de chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries trastornos funcionales gastrointestinales en niños salvadore ños en edad escolar usando criterios diagnósticos estandarizados no se ha estudiado.

Determinar la prevalencia de trastornos funcionales gastrointestinales en niños salvadore ños en edad escolar. Se utilizó el Questionnaire on Pediatric Gastrointestinal Symptoms Channeling Remittances to Education: We implement a randomized experiment offering Salvadoran migrants matching funds for educational remittances, which are channeled directly to a beneficiary student in El Salvador chosen by the migrant.

The matches lead to increased educational expenditures, higher private school attendance, and lower labor supply of youths in El Salvador households connected to migrant study participants.

We find no shifting of expenditures away from other students, and no effect on remittances. Legislative attitudes toward overpopulation: The members of the national assembly of El Salvador were asked to complete questionnaires on population in an effort to determine what their general attitude toward the population problem was.

Indications were that the legislators were factually aware of the dimensions of population growth and the existing overpopulation, and that both problems were seen as impediments to economic progress. They also showed a willingness to act quickly on various public programs for controlling population growth, primarily in the areas of public education and healht. However, while admitting the urgency of the problems, none of the legislators had individually done anything about them and no such plans were underway.

They indicated in their responses that they would have to play a major role in formulating any population control policy and that such a policy would probably concentrate on measures to deal with overpopulation in the short run, i.

The policy would also in part attempt to alleviate the general social conditions that the legislators perceived as contributing to high birthrates, i. The fact of religious opposition plus the fact that the government has not yet embarked on a policy make the adoption and implementation of such a policy unlikely in the forseeable future.

The ligislators themselves were pessimistic as to the possibility of controlling the population and felt that in view of its rapid growth, the country would not be able to provide educational and employment opportunites for the advancement of the.

Las estrategias en el aprendizaje de las artes visuales en los estudiantes del I ciclo. El presente trabajo de investigación, tuvo como problema general: La salud sexual y reproductiva de las jóvenes de 15 a 24 años El Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituariesun reto para las políticas de salud. Programme recently classified El Salvador among the most vulnerable countries in the world. Employers are required to verify the identity and employment authorization of all new employees La posguerra en Nicaragua y El Salvador Violencia y lucha por la tierra.

Full Text Available This article compares the characteristics of rural areas in Nicaragua and El Salvador during the second half of the 20th century, and then analyzes how the agricultural frontier movements of each country were fundamental for the impact on the conflict thatdeveloped during the post-war period. The economic insertation of excombatants in both countries involved an agricultural vocation. This thesis falls within the context of the new Mexican physiological medicine and denotes the visionary character of its author.

Chupar frutas in Salvador da Bahia. A case of practice-specific alterities. In this article we interfere with the naturalization of 'eating' by comparing two modes of engaging with fruits in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.

One of these is comer, which translates as 'to eat'. The other is chupar, 'to suck'.

The Panama American

chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries In comer, a piece of fruit crosses distinct bodily boundaries and gets. Chupar frutas in Salvador da Bahia: Full Text Available Se propone una nueva combinación, Werauhia montana y se discuten sus relaciones con W. A Democratic Tree in a Globalized Forest? This research on the Educacion con Participacion de Communidad EDUCO rural schools in El Salvador examined the nature of the reform and its impact on parent involvement and engagement for the local community; the underlying economic and political ideologies of EDUCO; and interpreted these findings to uncover the implications of the reform for….

Guatemala and El Salvador. Salvador Dalí et le mécénat du Zodiaque. When Salvador Dalí settled in Paris with the avowed aim to conquer the art world, he was unknown and virtually penniless. The great Economic Crisis which had hit Europe at that time, did nothing to improve his prospects.

Yet, during his early years in the French capital,he was able to. Fighting Narcotraffic in Latin America: Overpopulated Prisons in Latin El Salvador is currently one of the most violent countries in the worldwith a rate of approximately 69 murders per Francisco Flores inbrought unintended results. Prisons were overpopulatedand only a small percentage of prisoners were sentenced. Pearl; Miss Annette H. Ran- kln and 3 children; Mrs.

Rlnker; Miss Catherine Robinson; Mr. Rosan and son; Mr. Rose and 3 children; Mr. Clifford Russell; and John W. Miss Ma- ry Scanlan; Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries. Ernst Schraff- ran; Mrs. Schus- ter man; Sanford Sevel: Slater and son; Mrs. It's always a great pleasure smouse; Mr. None 10 7 5 3 2 AKS? You hopefully plSy the higher card of your double- ton, and follow with the lower card when your partner takes his ace.

This leaves you in position to trump the third round. East was very hap- py to ruff the third round of clubs. He wasn't so happy about It later. After taking the third trick, East returned the queen of neartds. The ace of spades then drew East's last trump, and South spread his hand to claim the rest of the tricks. East must not ruff the third round of clubs.

He must discard a diamond, allowing South to win the queen of clubs. Now 8outh can get to dummy only once with a diamond. This allows him to take one trump fin- esse. After that he can wriggle and squirm, but he must still give up two trump tricks to East. Don't let this hand stop you from ruffing the neat time you have a doubleton In the suit your i partner leads. But look at your trumps a second time before you ruff. If the ruff uses up a trump that would pretty surely be a trick anyway, you can always.

Turner and daughter; Miss Mary E. Wilson and 2 children; Miss Irene Winckler; and Mr. Wlrtz and daugh- ter. The game of horseshoe japitchinK Is big stuff in Illinois. Irish Moss and other splendid ingredients. Buckley's Conodiol Mixture is datar- en!

Get a bottle todoy toke a teaspoonful. Coughing spasm ceases toi right owoy It storts tc loosen up thick choking phlegm ond open up clogged bronchial tubes Now you'll know why over 30 mil- lion bottles of Buck'ey's hove beer wit In cold, wintry Conodo Your own druggist has this n Conodien discovery THURSDAY. National Production Authority Director Manly Fleisch- mann disclosed that flying squads of NPA enforcement officers are being organized to get evidence on persons or companies accused of illegal trafficking in critical materials.

He promised "immediate and vigorous prosecution" of all "willful violators" and warned that they can be jail- ed, fined, or deprived of supplies they need to stay in business. Flelschmann said his investi- gators already have turned up "many infractions" o NPA reg- ulations in auditing the records of about 10, companies throughout the country.

The NPA chief did not say how many of the But he disclosed that his chief enforcement officer, Robert H. Wlnn, is preparing cri- minal prosecutions in 10 cases. Ours must be a continuing association, inti- mate and unselfish. There is no nation however powerful and however rich in material resources that cannot gain more for its people in asso- ciation with others than by its own individual efforts.

But it is a salutary reminder none the less to those who'underestimate Britain's pre- sent endeavor. Danger lies in the Soviet tac- tics of professing aloofness while practicing aggression by remote control. Volunteers assisting so-called nationalist uprisings, Infiltration In those marginal areas of the world poised between east and west, and the covert supply of arms to the aggressor are design- ed to undermine our resolution.

Wlnn warned that big-time racketeers may try to make a killing on hard-to-get materials, particularly when full-scale ra- tioning of steel, copper and alu- minum begins on Oct. Di- Salle, however, appeared much less concerned over talk of wide- spread black marketeerlng in meat. Mor- gan, scoffed at the latest black market reports circulated Mon- day night by the American Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries Institute and the National Inde- pendent Meat Packers Associa- tion.

They said neither organization had produced any proof of the reports. He indicated the caller, whose identity he guarded carefully, had "fingered" one or more Dallas individuals, but hours after his arrival the sheriff, bUnded two years ago. Noble, who survived 11 previous assassination attempts by bullets and explosives, was blasted to death Tuesday by a cleverly-con- cealed "land mine" planted in the road when he stopped at his RFD mailbox at the Grapevine His Business Address OMAHA.

UP An Ar- my sergeant didn't find out un- til too late when he was taken In on a "con" game here, but he did know one thing for- sure. When asked to put his business address down on a routine police report, Sgt. Bernard Zeien of Decorah, I. Hugh Whiter whose vigorous campaign belied his 69 years, led a field of eight In closing returns from the Mis- sissippi Democratic primary last night and the only question was who would meet him In a run- off lor the Governorship.

White is an avowed States' nighter. White came ud with a positive plurality after 24 hectic hours of vote-counting. For a great part ol that period, it appear- ed that prohibitionist Ross Bar- nett would head the field.

But Barnett began fading as the larger cltv returns came in this afternoon. The results, while still subject to revision in final returns, ap- peared to be affirming Missis- sippi's States' Rights credo.

White was among the Mississip- pi delegation that walked out of the National Democratic Con- vention in and provided the nucleus of the "Dixlecrat" rebel- lion. Mississlpplans still call the re- gular Democrat organization "Trumancrats. Johnson said he was as! Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries, about 35 miles northwest of Dallas. Meanwhile, the operator of a Grapevine service station which Noble patronized chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries for the past "six or seven" years said "The- Cat" had appeared ready r;cently to flee the country.

The men were in a blue, late- motlel Chevrolet pickup truck, but Texas Ranger Capt. Bob Crowder said no one was close enough to It to get either the li- cense number or a good look at the occupants. When he arrived In Dallas, -hcrlf f Hodges was guardedly op- timistic. Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade said he heard via the un- derworld grapevine that "another gambler" had posted Except for the oversize hatwhich wants to blow awayMargaret is out- fitted with a minimum of cov- erage to get a maximum of sun chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries wind.

The dog saved their lives by awakening Mrs. Carpenter when their home was on fire In Cyrnos yrnos Gift Shop No. This ingenious decorating guide makes selecting a color scheme as easy as dialing your phone. Noth- ing else like it anywhere.

De los 59 casos estudiados 39 (% fueron varones y 20 (% mujeres. .. American republic of El Salvador lies on the Pacific with a south coast between Guatemala and Honduras. The government planned to displace them to make way for the new Mexico City Airport. .. Obituary -- Salvador González Bedolla. Read Brownsville Herald Newspaper Archives, Dec 2, , p. haber vivido con el dispositive durante diasEstudio: las mujeres son mas vulnerables a . 4 small busine1 > an-- Adco 4 Associates Magnolia Dr Panama City Beach.

Let us also show you General Paint's beautiful Trend Tonesthe latest, most fashionable colors for interiors, including many smart new deep tones. LOWE right proudly shows his citation for a llfe-savlni? BrlnkJey was present at the ceremony, at the Corozal Fire Station, at which the citation was presented to the sergeant by Lt.

Lowe, of the m Flrefightlng Platoon, Coro- zal, was commended yesterday In a military assenjhly at the Coro- zal Fire Station for his part rh saving the life of a fellow soldier. Brink- ley, also a member of the th. Immediately be- gan artificial respiration and continued lt for about 30 min- utes. According to medical au- I thorltles, the action was the pre- dominant factor in saving Pfc. The presen- tation was made by the U. Ar- my Fire Marshal. Walter Thompson, commanding officer of the th.

Siam, cut and polished by hand, and beautifully, mounted in gold. Get back in step with Alka-Seltzer! When Muscular or Nervous Fatigue hinders your work, slows you down, net back in step with Alka-Seltzer! Take it at the first siga of discom- fort. Repeat if Decenary for continued relief. Tbt Mate safe analgesic, so effec- tive as a headache remedy, relieves discomfort quickly and so helps you to relax.

Drop one Of two tablets of Alka-Seltzer into a glass of water. Watch it sparkle into refreshing, pleasant-tastiqjt solutionthen drink it. Keep supply of quick-acting Alka-Seltzer on hand al- ways Chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries helps illius daily la paring"! Tft Browns at Cleveland yesterday his 18th victory ' against four defeats to climax a long hard drive for the American League lead which they last held April The win gave Feller by far the most lustrous pitching record In ' either league.

The Indians' victory came while another ex-Yankee. The Indians now have a half- ; game ilrst place lead. They ob- ' talned only live hits oil lefty i Tommy Byrne, but he was typlc- ' allv wildwalking nine men. The Yankees, troubled all sea- t on against the Senators, got a. Gerry Priddy's triple and Steve Souchock's double tied the score, then George Kell with his fourth hit of the game singled in the winning run.

The Tigers' Pat Mullin homer- ed in the tenth. The Boston Red Sox and Phil- adelphia game was rained out. The Phillies edged the Braves. In a Phila- delphia night game and the Pittsburgh Pirates defeated the Cardinals, The Dodgers breezed to their opening game victory but Billy Cox had to single home the win- ning run with the bases loaded In the tenth of the nightcap after the Giants had tied the score and knocked big Don Newcombe out with three runs in the ninth on Bobby Thomson's homer.

Duke Snider and Carl Furillo homered in each game while Hodges got one in the opener his 32nd of the campaign to put him ahead of Ralph Klner for the major league lead. Red Stallcup gave the Reds their second game margin with a three-run homer. Four errors caused the down- fall of the C. The Panama team represented Area No. The local boys will appear in three exhibition games before sailing next Wednesday for the return trip.

Jerry DeRoma limited the CZ. Stars to two scattered hits while his mates capitalized on the er- rors of chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries opposition. Richie Hayden pitched the first four innings for Panam with Ed Kirchmeler finishing the game.

The two gave up only tnree hits. Lyndhurst tallied twice In the third without a hit. Llss stole second when Phil Pherinde struck out. Don Ippellte popped up to third but Ronnie Mead dropped the ball in a collision with snortstop Pedro Salas to load the bases. Ed Burke lined to Hayden, but the ball was dropped and Walsh rac- ed home on the play.

Charlie Ru- clnskl batted in the other run with a fly to Bill Hatchett in left field. The other two runs came In the fourth on Cliff Sailor's single to left followed by Carl Stopper's single to lett.

Sailor scored on an lnlleld out. The final run of the game crossed the plate when Kirchmeler took over and was greeted by LUi with a single that scored Stopper. Ruclnskl, rt DeRoma, p. Stopper, rtWalsh, lb. Lou la 32 Philadelphia at Boston 2. Bearden, Trout and Ginsberg. Make sure it's Dry, I naturally dry. Make chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries it's Clear, f crystal clear.

Make sure it's the Right Proof 90 proof for perfect mixinj, perfect taste. Murry Dlckson, en route to a vlctory season with a last place club, won No. Gus Bell led the Pirates' hlt assault with a homer, triple and single while the Cardinals' Stan Muslal hit his 25th homer of the season.

Jim Konstanty finished the game for the Phils. NEA In the first game of the second half Westinghouse downed rd by the score of 71 to The game wasn't too exciting for the strong Westinghouse team held a sub- stantial polnt lead throughout the first half and then Increased It to a point lead at the end of the third quarter.

Ibaez and Cells paced the winners with 17 and 15 points respectively. For the lasers Williams chalked up In the second game the first half champions Powell's were handed their first defeat of t lie second half. Caribe who during the first half could beat every- body but the Powell's team fin- ally won over them by the score of 54 to Powell's held a close 26 to 24 lead at the half and a 39 to 37 lead at the end of the third quar- ter but, the final quarter was a different story.

The Caribe team outscored Powell's In the final stanza 17 to 8 to win the ball game 54 to For the victorious Caribe, Welch was high man with 11 points and for the losers It was Brady with The second half promises to be a lot closer than the first half as all teams have strengthened themselves. New York at Brooklyn. The harried coach, who con- fessed to having "little sleep since this thing started. He was quoted as saying he and 23 other athletic candidates were invited to West Point last May for a "free vacation" and urged to play football for Army.

Blaik admitted 24 men were brought to the academy for a "cram course," but added. Of the seven, only live entered the academy. MacDonald himself passed the examination, but later decided to attend the University of Michi- gan, Blaik said. Obviously overwrought by the recent scandal Involving 90 cad- etsincluding most of his foot- ball "team" accused of cheating In their examinations, Blaik ex- plained the "informal tutoring had no official chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries with the military academy.

Am0nR the 24 ath- alze that wc can i. With the dry season Just around the corner and the cost of equip- ping for and playing the game at a fraction of State side costs, a new and Important boom In the game Is already on with more ex- pected. With the seeds of this most Im- portant new crop practically planting themselves, the least the adult golfer can do is to fer- tilize the field with all the help, assistance and chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries the younger men have a right to expect.

And we are again gartl- fied in this respect. Charles MacMurray, runner up in this year's Pan American World Airways Invitational Tournament at Gamboa, has promised his full support to the general program on his return.

Other well known golfers are expected to follow suit. Those Interested In taking ad- vantage of a real opportunity should begin now by consulting their professional golfer and club tournament chairmen. The Gamboa Golf Club, pres- ently conducting Its club cham- pionship tournament, will offer its facilities to boys from Gam- boa and other Isthmus commu- nities on completion of the tour- nament, for practice purposes. All boys should register at the clubhouse In order to receive full information regarding use af the course and are urged.

In the meantime, to avail themselves of the nearest practice areas to their homes in preparation for the big tournament. The most Inspiring factor in Isthmian golf that we have noted lately is the. The golfers, as well as the base- ball fans, have reason to be proud of these youngsters who carry the enthusiasm and spirit of "all boy" behind the manners and characteristics of the gentlemen that they are. It is truly believed that no oth- er locality In the world can offer better, moer inexpensive oppor- tunities for a youngster, from 6 to 60, to learn and participate ac- tively in golf.

The others, he said, were "all-around athletes with foot- ball possibilities. The Infantry boxers will train at Hangar No. The boxers will compete for the championships of the U. Panama Area, in the various weight classes, aft- er which they will meet the champions of the Antilles tour- nament, and the winners will represent-the U. It was announced at Fort Kob- be that the first in a series of boxing smokers will be held at Hangar No. The remaining smokers in the series will be held each Saturday night thereafter until the tour- nament begins.

Puttinr one little word after another and the very proper Boston Globe wishes to knew whatever has became of Shirley May France? The Tiger had previously been beaten only 56 times.

Double play figures are no sure measure of a club's defensive strength. The AAA's, for example, continue to lead both leagues and the chances are you'd have to take time out to name their keystone combination. Happened to be Joost and Hitchcock tha last time I looked.

It's not too easy to defend men, even when they are very young, who go back on their word. That's what has happened at West Point where some 90 Cadets, Including virtually the entire football, baseball and basketball squads, have been found guilty' of classroom Irregularities.

Yet it would be a mistake, as well as a harsh injustice, to put these young men away as evil unwhole- some characters. Speaking for myself, I certainly can't do it. I know a number of them personally. I've known their field lead- er, Earl Blaik, for a number of years.

I know no man in sports, or education for that matter, with higher Ideals. I know his boy. Bob, who was to have led this year's team, a team which fig- ured to rank high nationally. He's Just about as nice a boy an you'd want to meet. I can't conceive of him doing anything mean or vicious or hurtful to anybody.

And yet there seems to be no doubt that he violated the Academy's stern honor- code. Aa a consequence he and the rest should be punished. But whether they should be branded as moral lepers is something else.

A fellow can't be right and wrong at the same time and no matter how you try to explain cheating it still comes out cheat- ing. That's why It's Impossible to moant an all-out defense for these youngsters.

As I understand it they didn't get much help but they aid get tome and, worse, they knowingly violated the code. If classroom cribbing was the worst the world could hold against you and me we wouldn't have to worry much about get- ting past St.

But maybe it bat become outmoded; maybe it doesn't fit with the kind of life we live these days; maybe H's asking too much of a mere human to keep a faithful box score on himself in this day and agen age which features the five-day week, fast relief checks and endless political patronage. And did you ever chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries to think what we are offering our youngsters to- day?

A good chance to go out and get themselves killed in some- body's dirty war before they even get through school. Some of our best officer material came off the football field at West Point.

Football Is incidental to-military training and any attempt to picture It otherwise by these sterling; statesmen Is an untruth and a disservice to the flag. Do they know that some of the most famous players have been killed in action over there.

John Trent, who captained the '49 varsity and Tom, Lombardo who captained and quarterbacked the '44 team which. Introduced Blanchard and Davis? And do these brilliant gentle- men know that because of Washington inertia and official stu- pidity West point gradsIncluding most of the football team- were rushed into action as leaders In Korea without any previ- ous training under fire? There Just wasn't anybody else to do the Job. Sure, these young men have made a mistake, a grave mistake for whlflh their conscience will exact painful tribute, but don t let anybody try to tell you they aren't good Americans Just the same.

A part af the vacation was spent en a busman's holiday watching the Eastern championships at the comely Orange Lawn Tennis Club. There were two newcomers who were threatening to take over. Tony Trabert and Dick Savltt.

They failed to live up chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries pretournament estimates and witnessed the finals as spec- tators. Trabert, only 20, blends power with speed but is under- standably unlearned in tactics. Savitt, 24, has a formidable over- head game, and as his wins in Australia and England attest, i capable of notable play. He quit on himself In losing to the vet- eran Mulloy In the semifinals and showed further signs of com- petitive immaturity by bickering with the officials.

James Dickey, the ring master. You aren't supposed to talk ilka that to the stars. Both Trabert and Savitt are excellent prospects. Of the two the experts seem to believe Trabert may be the better because of his greater speed and mobility. Trabert Is also a basketball head- liner with the University of Cincinnati.

This Is a rather unusual sports combination. Trabert was asked In a radio interview before the match. Then he checked himself. Jim Brady's 18 points were high for the winnefs while Wally Trout chipped In with 11 and tor the losers Red Luft took scoring honors with 12 points followed by Minot with 15 tallies. In the second game of the eve- ning, Royal Crown won easily over the Flyers In a game which saw Albrook s Don Lee thrown out of the game for flagrantly foul- ing in the latter part of the sec- ond qurater, which hurt Albrook's chances to win.

Jack Chatham led the scoring for the game with 18 points while his teammates Lee and Sclafani scored 10 each. Arosemena was high with IB points followed by Carlos Cells with NBA Prox- imity, harness racing's ell-tlmt top money winner, got foe her first victory as a three-year- old. About fortv-fivo members were present at the dinner held chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries the upper-level of the Bella Vista Dining Room.

Mem- bers of the board and their wives were present at the dinner. Visitors from Miami Mr. Carlton Smith and Mr. All residents of Miami, they have been enjoying a vacation in Panama and are staying at Hotel El Panama.

Among those attending the dinner were Mrs. Vincent Bia- va; Mr. Rabbi Nathan Witkin, Mr. Milne and his wife. Margery Milne of the University of New Hampshire. Bennett To Visit in Miami Mrs.

Bennett of Be- lla yista left yesterday by plane for a visit to Miami, Florida. Williams Return from El Volcan Mr. Will- iams and their two sons. Richard and Scott, have just returned from a short visit to m Volcan. While there they were guests of Mr. Steveris, who are vacationing In Chlrlqul. Bob Walker and Frank Mahony. Chaplain Winters perform- ed the ceremony. The bride wore a street-length dress of white cotton lace fash- ioned with a fitted bodice trim- med with rhlneatone buttons, high neckline, cap sleeves and very full skirt.

Her matching hat had a lace veil. She wore a cor- sage of white rose buds. Light- owler were their only attendants. After a wedding trip to Pana- ma City. Frey will reshide In Locona. Frey la stationed aboard the U. Frank Vlolette has as htr luncheon guests. Raymond Billings and Mrs. George Cap- well, at the Hotel Tlvoll yester- day.

Golf Club yesterday spon- sored by the Inter-American Wo- men's Club was attended by one hundred and twenty members and their guests. Following the luncheon card games were played by the club members.

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The door prize was won by Mrs. Maria Garcia de Pare- des. Notable chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries members present included Mrs. Newcomer, wife of the Governor of the Panama Canal; Mrs. Eugene Lom- bard, President of the Club. Chaperons for the dance were Mrs. Orme Hubbard and Mrs. Charles Hammond furnished the entertainment and music at the dance. The following group from a square dance club of Balboa gave demonstrations: Jim Row and Mr.

The games will begin at 7; 30 p. Cash prises will be given. These games are open to the public. California, where she has lived for about four months. She has been reemployed as me- dical technician at Gorgas Hospi- tal. Flrit bet a bottle of Ferrlzan. Then take two tablet three times a day with meals for Just 10 days. You'll be amazed at the dif- ferenceat thp energy and endurance will have a c q chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries i r e d.

Nerves will be Kteadleryes brighterappetite back- end your outlook on life entirely dif- ferent Ferrlzan Is obtainable at all good drug store.

Hope stadium August 15, it was announced Wednesday at Balboa Heights. Arrangements for a special train to be run from the Balboa Heights station to Mount Hope on the afternoon of the ceremo- nies have been approved by Gov- ernor Newcomer. The train with the Pacific side residents will re- turn soon after the close of the exercises.

Tickets authorising free trans- portation on the special train will be distributed by the West In- dian Commemorative Stamp ce- lebration Committee through the Panama Canal Clubhouses in the various local-rate towns on the Pacific side.

Applications for the special train tickets should be made In person to the Managers of the Pacific. Pa- raso and Santa Cruz Clubhouses. Numbered tickets will be issued which will be good for the round trip. The passes will be Issued only to adults and the Celebra' tion Committee has requested that only those planning to at- tend the exercises ask for tick- ets. The exhibits will re- main on display through the coming week.

They are being shown in the display case on the ground floor of the Civil Affairs building, for the main library, in the La Boca ' branch, on the ground floor of the Occupational High School, and In the Cristobal library on the second floor of the Cristobal Administration Building. The center of each exhibit Is a reproduction of the sketches made by former Canal architect Meade Bolton, which were used for the new stamp.

On display are also early photographs of Ca- I nal construction, showing various j phases of labor, along with books, newspaper articles and pam- phlets describing the contribu- tion made by West Indian work- men chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries the construction of the Panama Canal. The displays have been arrang- ed in cooperation with the West Indian Stamp Appreciation Com- mittee which is sponsoring exer- cises to be held next Wednesday at Mt.

Waggoner Is the former Marilyn Anita Jennlson. Music-Maker Answor to Previous Puzzle i 'i. La Boca, on Sunday, be- ginning at 7: New- comer, will be honored at a pub- lic demonstration for sanctioning the issuance of a West Indian commemorative stamp; also Gro.

Westerman, who advocated the issue. Towninl of Colombia will be guest preach- er at the service, with the Rev. The public Is invited. With Panam American Want Ads at your fingertipsarid a want of your own to satisfy Want to buy sellor trade? For a Season in the Sun! Aaeve NoJi emSler Ce. And when rain or cold comet, s mere push of s button gives you a snug, weathertight sedan. The Nash Rambler is the economy king, toos record-smashing A smart, custom sports sedan and a real working car ready to haul a full-sise load.

Built of Airflyle Construction, too, with never a body rattle or squeak. Come in and drive the Nash Rambler of vour choice. One mantel, 2 wall clocks, Cadillac va- "" cuum cleaner.

HousePe- dro Miguel. Bjmboo sofa, lounge chair footstool, new. One GMC, 5 ten,excellent condition. GMC 2 ton, Army type. One International 2 ton,long chassis. In- chicas en panama city beach news herald obituaries 2 ton, One Mack 5 ton,excellent condition. Coduloc, model 48, per- fect condition, accept offers. We have droeticolly reduced pricet on all Used Cars! Come m and look them over.

Must sell, wardrobe, kitchen cobinet, children's word- robe. One million square meters of land on Transisthmian highwoy, Gotun lake. Two bedroom, concrete cottage. Santa Clara, completely furnished, electric ice box, gas range, terms. A presentation of a bronze set of book-ends was made in the name of the Committee by Rabbi Nathan Witkln. Prest dent of Council Con- necticut has been active in Scout work since House B, Cocoli.

House D, Em- pire street, Balboa. Johnson outboard mo- tor model. Enlarger printer trays, etc. Colombian red monkey, tame. Phone Shrapnel, Balboa Freezer suitable for restaurant. Inquire Via Espaa Johnson Seahorse Out- board Motor, 9. To rent or buy unfur- nished house on long term basis. Must hove good garden space. O' Box Ancon.

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